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Our "Saheednagar Durga Puja Samittee" is one of the oldest puja committees of Bhubaneswar, celebrates Durga puja, Laxmi puja & kali puja every year. It attracts lakhs of devotees to visit the puja pendal situated at B/62,saheednagar, in the heart of the city.

In the year 1976-77 the committee started Durga puja with 11 persons as its members. During 1981-82 the committee registered under the social Act bearing No. PR692-479-1981-82. In course of time the committee has been increased its members to 197 at present.

Unlike every year this year puja which is being celebrated in a colorful way will attract the ministers, politicians, film stars, sports persons and many bigwigs across the state.

The main objectives of the Durga puja samite:
(i) To provide a common place for meeting of the members of the samittee for the purpose of recreation, discussion of literacy etc.
(ii) To celebrate social activities like Durga puja, Laxmi puja, Kali puja etc. at plot. No. B/62, Saheednagar, Bhubaneswar.

Name and designation of the office bearers are given below:
  1. Shri Narayana Mohapatra
  2. Shri Shuresh Chandra Dash
  3. Shri Manoranjan Dash
  4. Shri Sudhir Kumar Satpathy
  5. Shri Subranshu Kumar Routray
  1. Shri Hemanta Kumar Parida
Working President
  1. Shri Saroj Kumar Patra
Vice President
  1. Shri Achyuta Prasad Behera
  2. Shri Chandan Kumar Palit
  1. Shri Sachinandan Nayak
Joint Secretary
  1. Shri Biswoprasad Mohanty
  2. Shri Shudarsana Sahoo
  3. Shri Mahendra Kumar Tripathy
  4. Shri Rajesh Khana
  5. Shri Ranjan Kumar Mohapatra
  6. Shri Ashok Kumar Mishra
  1. Shri Smruti Ranjan Jena
Asst. Treasurer
  1. Shri Gopal Krishna Mohanty
Temple Secretary
  1. Shri Asish Kumar Mohapatra
Temple Treasurer
  1. Shri Lalita Kumar Khuntia
Executive Body Member
  1. Shri Harish Prasad Rath
  2. Shri Purna Chandra Das
  3. Shri Dipankara Mohapatra
  4. Shri Rajkishor Das
  5. Shri Biswa Ranjan Ray
  6. Shri Lalita Kumar Khuntia
  7. Shri Sandeep Prasad Behera
  8. Shri Jitendra Rao
  9. Shri Ananda Kumar Mitra
  10. Shri Ashis Kumar Mohapatra
  11. Shri Kanhu Patra
  12. Shri Abhimanyu Mallick
  13. Shri Dibyasakti Mohapatra
  14. Shri Sidheswar Moharana
  15. Shri Adarsha Pattnaik
  16. Shri Dillip Kumar Mallick
  17. Shri Bibhu Padarabinda Nayak
  18. Shri Sakti Prasad Jee
  19. Shri Abhigyana Prasad Nayak
  20. Shri Sudipta Pattanik
  21. Shri Amrendu Mohapatra
  22. Shri Debendra Kumar Panda
  23. Shri Biswaranjan Biswal
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